Day 22: Haines HWY and the mosquitos 🦟

CampgroundBoondocking near Pine Lake campground (Pine Lake Rd, Yukon, Canada).
Total Distance3758 Miles
Traveled today 159 Miles
highlightsChilkat Bald Eagle preserve
Haines HWY summit
Million Dollar Falls *****
Saint Elias Lake Trail**

The road from Haines to Haines Junction in Yukon Canada is considered by many to be one of the most scenic drivels in the canda/Alaska. While it is absolutely amazing, It was not getting to our top 3. Shortly after the road started, we stopped at the interpretive trail of the Bald Eagle Preserve. It seems like the preserve is highly interrupted by the massive road construction going on there – a direct result of a major avalanche that took place 4 years ago. We saw many bald eagles in Haines – but non at the preserve. We took our time driving up into Canada, stopping at practically any outlook, to appreciate the landscape around us. When we got to Haines HWY summit at an elevation of 1070 meter, the views were spectacular. We stopped at the wide pullout and prepared the setup for a perfect late breakfeast. Only that the mosquitoes thought differently and in spite of our anti mosquitos spray, they attacked us at any possible way. We escaped into the RV to try and get a glimpse of the view from the window. From there – we continued up the road and after spotting a very lovely young brown bear on the road side (that wore a collar of some kind), we turned to see the roaring Million Dollar Falls. Is is absolutely a must-stop point on the way. After spending many hours in the car (more than we have expected), we craved for a hike, and we stopped at the first trail we found – the Saint Elias Lake Trail. Armed with our new bear spray – we made our way into the 4.8-mile out-and-back trail. The trail itslef is very nice, and the lake is beautiful – but again the musquitoes did not let us enjoy the trail. We completed the trail as early as possible , escaped into the car, and used as much anti-itch cream as we could. Upon arriving to Hianes Junction we realsied this was Canda’s day long weekend- and as such all campground were full. This did not bother us – as we really wanted to find a good spot for Boondocking – that we found close to the very popular Pine Lake campground (see attached map), just near a stream. Shorly after we arrived, another car stopped in the same pullout for the night, and than came … you guessed it right – the mosquitos . That made a long night for fight between men and mosquitos. The Mosquitos suffered many losses,. but we lost sleep 🙂

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